Launch Learning is an early childhood education program that fosters a love of learning through a balanced approach of purposeful play and guided education. Our developmentally appropriate, play-based program provides a well rounded education for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. We offer a unique opportunity for parents, teachers, and children to work together creating a connected school community that lays the foundation for joyful learning and academic success.
WHAt IT looks Like
Our daytime classes provide brain based curriculum that stimulates physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development and encourages creativity and self-control.
To create a complete family experience, parents are encouraged to participate in daytime classes - guiding their children through fun, developmentally appropriate activities that help children build academic foundations, learn self-calming, and develop problem-solving skills. Families enrolled in our infant and toddler classes are required to have parent, caregiver, or grandparent to attend with their child. Families enrolled in our preschool program volunteer a minimum of 3 hours a month. Parents whose schedules don’t allow for daytime participation can enjoy this program as well through volunteer hours.
Additionally, the “icing on the cake” is our Parent Connect classes - creating opportunities for parents to build a strong support system by connecting with other parents and providing a platform for learning about age-specific development topics from our highly trained staff. These once a month adult sessions are designed to provide a safe forum for discussion of effective tools in child development and is included in the registration of any Launch Learning classes.
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
Social-Emotional Learning is a key differentiator at Launch Learning – something we emphasize more than all other aspects of the program. Self regulation and relationship building are key to lifelong success. Teachers and staff coach our children to use experiences at school to build these important social and emotional skills, creating confident, empathetic, connected, bully-proof individuals.
“Fun Trail” Foundational Skills
Good physical development is foundational to all learning. Research based, developmentally appropriate physical activities are designed to combine large and small motor skills, knitting together and building muscles important for academic success such as writing, paying attention, and overall health.
Sensory Rich Environment (Sensory Integration)
Learning requires a functioning, integrated sensory system that takes in information and uses it effectively. Our program is designed to foster sensory integration through intentional play-based activities both in the classroom and in nature. Children not only take in information through their five senses, but also through the hidden senses, especially proprioception (awareness of body in space) and vestibular (balance). Daily activities in our specialized Sensory Room combined with a sensory infused curriculum provide a rich sensory diet.
Parent Connect
We offer whole family learning through parent support sessions with coaching, education, and workshops. Join other parents to freely exchange ideas on parenting and get answers tailored to the specific season for your family.
Enrichment Activities
We provide enrichment activities to assist children in exploring their interests and innate talents. Early foreign language introduction, martial arts, nature awareness and exploration, cooking, dance, and community outreach are some of the areas children will be able to explore in greater depth.
Science and technology at an early age creates learners who are eager and ready to explore and enhance their world. Children are fascinated by the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math activities that permeate our curriculum, leading to stronger critical thinking skills and increased vocabulary.
Nature Based
Our outside play space is a sensory-rich, nature-based outdoor classroom that provides opportunities for not only creative play in the mud kitchen and at the water table, but for cooperative gardening, discovery, and dramatic play. Indoors, our classrooms integrate natural materials to spark wonder and joy towards the natural world through organic play, sorting, exploring, and creating.