Exciting News: A New Playground is Coming!

At Launch Learning Preschool, we believe many foundational skills for a child’s growth and development is built through exploration, play, and hands-on learning. That’s why we’re thrilled to share some exciting news—our preschool is getting a brand-new playground! Thanks to a generous grant from the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) through the Brevard Early Learning Coalition, we’ve been awarded funding to build an inclusive, dynamic playground that will provide our young learners with an environment that fosters creativity, physical development, and social growth.

A Commitment to High-Quality Learning Environments

In May 2024, we became one of the first 11 childcare providers in the area to be approved for this incredible opportunity. The funding we received is part of a nationwide initiative to support early childhood education providers who meet high standards for creating learning environments that help children succeed—both in school and in life.

The ARPA funding program is designed to enhance childcare settings with resources and infrastructure that support a child’s holistic development. It’s more than just about building a physical space; it’s about providing children with an environment that nurtures their curiosity, sparks their imagination, and supports their social and emotional well-being. And our new playground will do just that!

Why a New Playground?

Research shows that outdoor play is essential to a child’s development. It helps improve physical skills, coordination, and health, while also offering opportunities for creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork. By investing in a new playground, we’re ensuring that our students have a safe, fun, and enriching space to explore, interact, and learn.

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in store:

Developmentally Appropriate Play Equipment: The playground will feature a variety of age-appropriate structures, from climbing areas to balance beams, designed to enhance both fine and gross motor skills.

Natural Elements: In keeping with our commitment to fostering a connection with the natural world, we’ll incorporate elements like sandboxes, water tables, and plant areas that invite exploration and hands-on learning.

Inclusive Play Areas: Every child deserves access to play that suits their needs. Our playground will include accessible equipment that supports children of all abilities, promoting social interaction and cooperative play among all our students.

Shaded Areas: As we know how important it is to protect young skin from the sun, the playground will be equipped with plenty of shaded spaces to keep our little adventurers cool and comfortable as they play.

Space for Imagination: We’ll have areas where children can engage in imaginative play—whether it’s pretending to be pirates on a ship, exploring a mini jungle, or running an outdoor café!

A Bright Future for Our Little Learners

We are beyond excited about this project, not just because it will provide a wonderful new space for our children to play, but because it reflects our ongoing commitment to providing the best possible educational environment. The new playground will be a place where children will build confidence, develop social skills, and discover the joy of learning through play.

This funding is a significant step forward in helping Launch Learning Preschool create a nurturing, inspiring environment where every child can thrive. It’s not just about creating a beautiful outdoor space—it’s about investing in the future of our children and empowering them to succeed both now and in the years to come.

What’s Next?

As we prepare for construction to begin in just two weeks, we’ll keep you updated every step of the way. We can’t wait to share progress pictures. Stay tuned for more details!

We’re so grateful to the Brevard Early Learning Coalition and to the American Recovery Plan Act for making this dream a reality. Together, we’re creating a place where children not only learn but truly thrive.

We can’t wait for our children to begin exploring, creating, and growing on their new playground in the near future. Thank you for being a part of this exciting journey!

NEW PLAYGROUND - December 2024

A Smooth Start

When your child starts preschool, she may experience separation anxiety and regressive behavior. The transition to preschool is often marked with two steps forward, one step back, as your child grows and learns in amazing ways — but at the same time, regresses in some behaviors, too.

The most common challenge for most kids is saying goodbye to their parents, or trouble separating. For some children this may be their first time out of the home. Others may have separated before, but are now in a new, possibly more demanding situation (sharing the adult caregiver with a number of other children).

How can parents help soothe their children’s separation anxiety?

First, look within for whatever ambivalence you may have about leaving your child, because she will pick up on those feelings. If there’s any hesitation or discomfort or doubt — which there often is; you hate to leave your child when he’s unhappy about it — but if you don’t feel good about where you’re leaving him, or about the fact that you have to leave him, your child’s going to feel, “Well, maybe this isn’t really a good place or idea.” The first thing you have to do to prepare your child is to prepare yourself.

How else can parents help ease the transition for their preschooler?

There are a number of things you can do to prepare your child, visiting before school begins is ideal. Then, make sure to take your child to visit the classroom and meet the teacher at Open House. You could give your child a transitional object, like a favorite blanket for naptime or teddy bear they can carry with them to class; or even a story for the teacher to share with the class. And let your child know that you want him or her to go to school, and give your child lots of reassurance that “Mommy’s coming back”, or “Daddy’s coming back". This is very important.

To reinforce the idea, you can play a little game in which something disappears from sight but your child rediscovers it. Roll a ball under the couch and say, “Look, we can’t see it. Do you think it’s still there? Let’s go look.” When your child finds the ball, you can say, “See, even though we couldn’t see the ball it’s still there, just like Mommy when she went to work.” What you’re doing is reinforcing “object permanence”, a concept that comes earlier (by the end of the first year) but can be threatened by the emotional challenge that separation presents.

There are several books that you can read to your child to prepare for Preschool as well. The Kissing Hand by Audrey Pen is one of my favorites. Establishing a consistent “Good Bye Ritual” is also key. We have options and ideas to share with you. Pick the one that you feel will work best for your child and stick to it!

Once settled into the routine, can separation anxiety present again?

Yes! For example, if you go away on a vacation or the preschool closes for a break, your child may experience another, shorter adjustment period. If a teacher or someone the child is close to leaves the school, you may see these behaviors again. Then there are other things of course that can cause these regressive behaviors, like developmental touchpoints, or the birth of a new sibling, or a stressful time in the parent’s life. When you think about it, we all regress throughout our entire lives, whenever we do something new and challenging like move, or switch jobs, or get married. There will be things the child is working on, too.

Some children have emotional outbursts when their parents pick them up from preschool. Are these a cause for concern?

No. When your child has a temper tantrum, that does not mean that he is not doing well. It tells you that he really missed you and can finally let go and be flooded by the feelings he was trying to fight back all day long. The fact that he misses you doesn’t mean preschool is not going to work for him. You can reassure your child and say, “I missed you too, and I’m eager to see you because we love each other, and we have fun together.”

Remember, you’ve got this and we’ve got your back!

Adina Box

Early Childhood Coordinator

Mommin’ Together

That just about sums it up. Here at Launch Learning, we partner with parents in their parenting journey. Parents can rest assured that we got your back, but it’s important to safeguard your own health and well-being as well. With some intentional self-care, you can help yourself and your loved ones thrive.

It’s natural for a parent to get so hyper-focused on the selfless role of taking care of their child, that it sometimes takes a little nudge to consciously take action to preserve or improve their own wellness.

Self-care is attending to your own well-being so that you can maintain your health, manage stress, and function at your best, not only benefits you but also those who depend on you.

Here are some of our best tips for Self-care:

  • Prioritize physical health: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are all essential aspects of self-care; strive for them as much as possible. Try scheduling time for exercise or meal planning, incorporating a short walk into your daily routine, or snatching a few mindful moments between tasks.

  • Boost your mental health: Engage in activities that bring joy, such as reading, gardening, or listening to music. Practice mindfulness, meditation, and other techniques for relieving stress.

  • Set boundaries: Know your limits and communicate them effectively. Saying ‘no’ when necessary, protects your well-being.

  • Use social support: Connect with friends, family, or support groups. Sharing experiences and feelings with others can offer relief and perspective.

Creating a regular self-care routine is not an act of selfishness but rather an essential tool that enables parents and caregivers to provide the best possible care to others. It’s also a vital part of experiencing the joy that life and loved ones have to offer. We believe in you, you got this, so make sure to treat yourselves with kindness.

Some of our mom’s attended the 2nd Annual Space Coast Mom’s Life Soiree with Jonnah Buchanan and I on Saturday, July 27th . It was the “ultimate mom’s night out in Brevard…jam- packed with entertainment, activities, and pampering services just for moms.” A perfect setup to celebrate mom’s and encourage necessary self-care.

Adina Box, Early Childhood Coordinator

A garden is a wonderful place for children to play, learn, and grow.

By Adina Box, Early Learning Coordinator


Launch Learning’s supportive school family came together once again for a productive and rewarding Garden Day on Saturday, February 24th. The main objective of the day was achieved with the construction of ten new classroom garden boxes to not only enhance the beauty of our campus but most importantly add additional enrichment for our student population.

With a large pile of lumber, power tools, and a dedicated team of parents, all ten boxes were completed by mid-day. Students were simultaneously busy with their own projects, painting garden rocks, decorating bird houses, constructing bird feeders, preparing mangrove propagule nurseries, and building the pole bean tee pee structure.

A freshly painted retaining wall as the backdrop for the wooden garden boxes created a beautiful side yard. Merriment unfolded as the boxes were set into place against the walls and filled with soil upon which the children joined in and planted their flower seeds.

The following week of school, children took pride in tending to their new gardens, watering, and adding their embellishments to the area.By the end of the second week, flower seeds began to sprout from the soil and the children’s excitementintensified. In the upcoming weeks, the children will experiencecountless opportunities for learning.

Gardening is a rewarding activity that fosters well-rounded development.

Physically, gardening canexercise practically every muscle in the body helping to develop and refine small and large motor control from pinching tiny seeds to shoveling piles of soil.

Emotionally, gardening reduces stress and can naturally calm the body and relax the mind. It can improve attention and memory.

Socially, gardening allows opportunities for cooperation, working together, problem solving, taking turns, grace and courtesy.  

Cognitively, gardening increase the child’s knowledge byweaving activities and experiences with curriculum. Subjects such as language, math, science, and art can easily be incorporatedinto gardening, giving rise to the introduction of new vocabulary and concepts, raise ecological awareness,increase and practice mathskills, and learn terms like ‘the scientific method’ to name a few.

We know that young children are sensory-motor learners. They learn best by moving and having experiencing using all of their senses. A plethora of sensorialexperiences areabound throughout the garden with opportunities to see, smell, touch, taste, and hear. Children can plant a rainbow of colors, see patterns in nature, experience fragrances, feel textures, taste edible plants, and listen to a symphony of sounds in and around the garden.

A garden is a wonderful place for children to play, learn, and grow.


From flower seeds to power tools, all supplies, materials, tools, equipment, and labor were graciously donated or loaned by our amazing school families.

With much gratitude and appreciation, we thank you all for helping to make our Garden Day a success!


Joshua and Sydney Smith

Nickolas and Jessica Cihura

Harold Short and James Garrett

Tyler and Krysdina Grinnell

Joshua and Molly Sagan

The Augello Family

The Ciacchi Family

TheFrimowitz Family

The Hoog Family

The Jones Family

The Leaf Family

The McKeehan Family

The Pugliese Family

The Reid Family

The Schunk Family

The Walsh Family

Launch Learning One Year Anniversary!

I truly have been living a real-life dream come true.

 I cannot express how proud and grateful I am for all that has transpired in this past year for our Launch Learning Preschool and families. It has been such a beautiful, hectic, and heartwarming journey.

 When Dr. Barbara Young first launched Eastern Florida State College’s Lab School in 1967, the idea of providing parallel educational programs for children and parents was as cutting-edge as those of the space program whose families moved to Brevard County to pursue the dream of landing a man on the moon. The Lab School model proved successful as it thrived over the next 55 years. My mother-in-law, Dr. Gail Buchanan, spent years dedicated to the school and dreamed of giving Lab School a permanent, self-sustaining home base and launch pad for all activity. In pursuit of this dream, Lab School transitioned to its current nonprofit status under its new name, Launch Learning, in 2020.

 This past year, the dream finally was realized as we opened our doors in this beautiful new educational facility in the heart of Merritt Island!

Every day is a dream come true as we have been able to welcome our early learners into an enriching environment with an emphasis on play-based learning, social and emotional development, parent education, and community involvement. Our enrolled students, families, and community all benefit from our hands-on curriculum, built on research-based practices using the best available science and teaching techniques. I want to thank everyone involved in helping us arrive at this momentous milestone and achieve the successes of this past year; launching this dream wouldn’t have been possible without the funder, family, staff, and community support we have been showered with this past year.

 But this amazing milestone was just the beginning of the journey, as we set our sights higher with new, bigger goals for impacting young lives in the future.

 Take a glimpse of the successes over the past quarter…

Launch Learning Receives Generous Grant From Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation


Merritt Island, FL (October 23, 2023) – Launch Learning Preschool is pleased to announce it has received a generous grant from the Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation.

Launch Learning will use this funding to add valuable art supplies to expand its current art program, allowing the school to creatively and effectively offer arts education that crosses all educational domains: cognitive, language, social, emotional, and physical. In addition to emphasizing arts education during the school day, Launch Learning is committed to educating and offering opportunities for families to extend students’ educational experiences in their home environments. This generous funding from the Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation will help make that a reality for families on the Space Coast.

“We are humbled by the generosity of the Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation and know that this grant will have an immediate impact on our early learners. We are looking forward to partnering to grow arts education for the families of Brevard County. We are truly thankful to the Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation for investing in Launch Learning so that we may create powerful and lasting impacts by inspiring a lifelong love of learning,” said Launch Learning Executive Director Jonnah Buchanan.

Launch Learning understands the importance of arts education, particularly the benefits it has on the youngest students. Arts education is crucial to cognitive growth and development and lays a foundation for all future learning. Moreover, Launch Learning is committed to opening arts education opportunities to its families to pursue at home, knowing that when families are included in educational opportunities, students benefit greatly. By empowering parents to extend educational concepts confidently at home, families and communities become stronger and more committed to lifelong learning.

About Launch Learning

As a legacy program of Eastern Florida State College Lab School, Launch Learning takes its mission seriously and actively seeks to “Build What We Believe” through the lens of its four core pillars: Connect, Educate, Model, and Contribute. Launch Learning believes education is family-centered, and its curriculum includes strengthening the connection between children and their families through purposeful play and guided education. Launch Learning intentionally teaches by modeling effective tools that empower children and parents with skills to build confidence and personal success. Moreover, Launch Learning holds that education is a community-wide effort and encourages families to share, strengthen, and give back to their communities by using the skills of connection, education, and modeling that Launch Learning teaches.

Website: 321LAUNCH.org

Facebook: @LaunchLearningPreschool

Instagram: @launchlearningpreschool

About the Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation

The Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation was founded in 2007 due to the generosity of Mrs. Cornelia Tarrant Bailey and is dedicated to her memory. Mrs. Bailey enjoyed supporting philanthropic organizations centered on education, veteran outreach, medical research, and, most significantly, the arts in all forms. The foundation proudly continues her legacy. The Foundation’s mission is to promote the arts, education, and initiatives that seek to better our world by utilizing nature and the sciences. Visit ctbfoundation.org to learn more about this benevolent foundation.

Media Contact Information

Jonnah Buchanan, Executive Director


(321) 453-6597

The Many Benefits of The Sandbox

Those tiny grains of weathered rocks and shells supply children with endless play experiences. As children scoop, sift, dump, and mold, they learn about much more than just what they can do with sand. A sandbox provides children with a plethora of opportunities to practice skills in many areas of their development.

Sensory: Young children learn through their senses, absorbing information from their experiences in their environment. Sand play definitely provides a multisensory experience. As the child enters the area, he may use his sight to see the rolling hills and valleys, he may hear as sand is poured or scooped from one place to another, he may smell a waft of sand dust pass by his nose, he will feel as he touches and moves through the sand, and he may even taste– not that we want them too, but it happens.

Social: Easily intertwined as children play parallel to each other or together is the practice of social skills, grace and courtesy. This is an opportune time to learn to play and work cooperatively with others. Depending on their stage of development, the child can practice a simple, “Thank you”, or a more advanced,“May I have the sifter, please?”.

Emotional: An accidental sand throw to the eyes is not uncommon while children learn to control their movements. This uncomfortable learning experience helps the child show empathy and lends opportunities to express emotions in appropriate ways. Creativity and imagination are fostered through sand play. The sandbox can be a massive landscape for toy construction trucks or with just a little scoop, a mini-birthday cake in a cup. Imaginations can dig deep.

Language: There are ample opportunities to practice new vocabulary in the sandbox. A child shouting, “My enormous volcano is erupting!” shows us they can relate their play and creativity to their experiences and lessons. Plus, their sensorial experiences can present themselves as they use acquired sensory vocabulary to description their play like, “the long river is going to get filled by the hot lava”. They demonstrate an understanding of adjectives such, long/short, rough/smooth, dry/wet, cold/hot, long/short, etc.

Motor Skills: All this imaginary play strengthens finger and hand muscles and improves coordination, which is a precursor for handwriting, many sports, and self-sufficiency tasks like buttoning clothes and tying shoes.

Sand is one of the very best nature-made toys.

We are sure that the children will love the new addition of the sandbox. We can’t wait to see their excitement on their first day of school.

School Resumes

August 14th for Infants through 3 years

August 17th for VPK students

First Semester Finale

“They May forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”   Carl W. Beuhner


It’s been quite a month, as May arrived before we knew it and was done even faster!  Here at Launch Learning Preschool, the last few weeks of the semester were filled with fantastic families and fabulous fun!

Despite having to cancel our End of Year Picnic due to inclement weather, our Launch Learning families came together for multiple events.  The Teacher Appreciation week was made extra special as enthusiastic parents artistically designed and decorated the classroom doors tailored to each teacher.  The teaching staff felt the love with the many gifts of gratitude and kind words from the Launch Learning administrative team and families.  A heartfelt Thank You to local businesses who donated to spoiling our teachers with delicious food: Margarita Island, Chick-fil-A of Merritt Island, Bagel World and Pozzy Brothers Pizza. 

We celebrated motherhood and those who fulfill mothering responsibilities by hosting multiple days of “Muffins for Ma’ams.”  Moms, grandmothers and aunties were treated to muffins, juice and fruit in our beautifully decorated multipurpose room.  The Infant, Toddler and Threes teachers all showered their “Ma’ams” with handmade art from their children, along with flowers and notes of appreciation.  Launch Learning preschool loves our mommas, grandmas and caregivers!  A special Thank You to Carousel Florist for the beautiful flowers and Publix for the muffins.

We did not forget our awesome Dads and Granddads!  Thanks to donations from Dunkin’ Donuts here in Merritt Island, the Launch Learning team celebrated them with “Donuts for Dudes.”  The playground was set up with a table of donuts, milk and coffee for a before-school meet and greet.  Dads and granddads were able to share a treat breakfast with their children, with a few minutes to hang out and visit with each other.  The Three-year-old class presented their dads with a thoughtful gift to let them know just how strong they made their children feel!

The final farewell was the First Annual Launch Learning Water Fun Day.  All classes came together on the final Friday of the semester to get wet, play with friends, and kick off the summer break with a party!  Despite some technical challenges, the GIANT waterslide was a hit, thanks to a demonstration by our teaching team.  The playground was set up with sprinklers, a fishing station, a splash pool, a water ball pit, a fantastical water table, water bead sensory tables, the trike washing station and the shaving cream painting finale.  All this fun along with yummy snacks and ice pops made for a wet, wonderful day.

Now that the inaugural first semester of Launch Learning has ended, we want to again thank all who have helped in so many ways.  The Merritt Island community support has been tremendous.  We wish you a healthy and safe summer spent making memories with those you love. 

The Launch Learning Team

Launch Learning benefits from partnering with Walmart Spark Good Program

 Exciting news!  We have recently partnered with Walmart in their Spark Good program. There are two ways you can easily help Launch Learning today.

 Walmart Spark Good Round Up is where customers can round up their purchases to the nearest dollar and donate their change to their favorite charity on Walmart.com. We would love for you to choose us as your charity to receive these donations every time you shop on Walmart.com for either delivery or store pick-up.

 We have also created a Spark Good Registry on Walmart.com to make it easy for supporters like you to help even more. Browse through our current list of much-needed items and see if there is anything you can help purchase. Any contribution is appreciated. All purchased items can be shipped directly to us, which saves us both time and money.

 Go toLaunch Learning’s Walmart Spark Good profile page to learn more.Thank you for your continued support of our family-centered school—creatively educating young children and coaching families, leading to a healthy, connected community.


Our First Launch Learning School Garden Day

It was a balmy Saturday morning in March when the Launch Learning families arrived

early dressed in sun hats and bearing gifts of flowers, herbs, trees, earthworms,

gardening soil and lumber. Young children and their families participated in the

community garden day that would transform part of the playground into a dynamic

sensory and STEM interactive area. As the sun rose in the clear, blue sky, hardworking

hands tilled and leveled the side of the untouched play space for two raised garden

beds. The work was hard, sweaty and of course, dirty, but the satisfaction of a “job

well-done” was enough to keep everyone busy.

The raised garden beds were built, the weed-guard stapled into place, garden soil

poured and mixed, and finally the vegetables, herbs and flowers were carefully tucked

into their new homes. Everyone played an important role, and there was a sense of

enormous satisfaction as the playground was transformed into a “phase one” for

gardening and growth.

Now, just a few weeks later, the children and staff watch as tomatoes ripen and flowers

bloom. Watering the baby trees and growing vegetables has become an active part of

the sensory-rich curriculum that includes digging in the dirt, observing the earthworms

make their way through the rich soil, and tasting the “fruits of their labor” by sampling

the ripe tomatoes. Every day there is something new to see or do, and the Launch

Learning team is so grateful for the hard work and generosity of the school families and

Merritt Island community.

We want to give a shout-out to the Home Depot in Merritt Island for the majority of the

dirt and supplies, and for offering Launch Learning preschool assistance to help get our

garden program going. We are especially grateful for the families who donated much-

needed supplies like bricks and soil, seeds and plants, fertilizer and so much more.

Most of all, thank you for supporting our school garden program with our enthusiasm

and commitment. Every day we see our flowers blooming and garden growing, we feel

loved by our community and know that you are contributing to the Launch Learning


The Grand Opening of Launch Learning

The long-anticipated Launch Learning Grand Opening was celebrated in a BIG way this

past week, and we are still basking in the warm memories.

It’s been over 4 years of hard work, patience, planning, miracles, inspections, and more

patience as we watched the beautiful white Launch Learning building rise from the dirt

lot off South Courtenay Parkway in Merritt Island. It was with much anticipation and an

incredible amount of effort from so many people that Launch Learning Preschool

opened its doors in January 2023.

The Launch Learning Grand Opening was a huge success thanks to so many people

and organizations. The Powerhouse Planning team spearheaded by Amanda Thurn

organized and implemented the carnival-themed games, bounce houses and delicious

food trucks. The beautiful baskets and gift packages for the raffle were donated by

generous community businesses and individuals. And a HUGE shout-out to the

volunteers who face-painted, ran the obstacle course, manned the Launch Learning

experience tables, and wore the Paw Patrol costumes so well! And we cannot forget

the most important aspect of the event – the people: the enthusiasm of close friends,

supportive extended family, EFSC Lab School alumni and staff, and the community at

large who all attended the Grand Opening.

As we toured the hallways of our beautiful Launch Learning Preschool building with

interested friends, family and community members, the manifestation of inspired

dreams came to life. We shared the vision of expanded classroom equipment with the

sponsorships of the classroom spaces. We hope to achieve more sensory options in our

sensory integration room, along with our dreams for a fantastic playground and shade

structure, a budding gardening program, and an amazing nature-explore area with help

from generous donations to our nonprofit preschool vision.

We want to thank everyone who donated goods and services, time and talents,

enthusiasm and energy, to making our Launch Learning Preschool Grand Opening such

a success.

All Learning Begins With Connection

We’d like to share a fantastic spotlight article titled “Launch Learning Preschool: All

Learning Begins with Connection.” Our executive director, Jonnah Buchanan, was

interviewed by the team at Powerhouse Planning Inc. where she shared her experience

with EFSC Lab School, and why she felt called to continue the legacy through Launch

Learning Preschool. Please take a moment to read and be inspired!

Click for Article Here

A Fun “First” Week of School

What a fabulous First Week was had at Launch Learning Preschool! The weather was

perfect to begin each day with outdoor welcoming routines and “Fun Trail” obstacles. The Launch

Learning team welcomed the Three-year old students with a series of sweet routines to

help the transition from home to school, so that each child felt safe and included into the

class family. The Toddler class families came together to meet each other and their

sweet teachers, to also begin daily rhythms and routines to mark the beginning of a new

season in their lives. And the Infant and Baby families will soon start their classes this

coming week, as they too meet their teacher, each other, and begin to make friends to

last for years to come.

We hope you will join us for our upcoming Grand Opening event on Saturday, February

25th. This ribbon-cutting event is for the whole family and is open to the community and

all who might be interested in our Launch Learning Preschool.

Our Season of Gratitude

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” Proverb

 As we approach the end of 2022, our hearts are full of gratitude as we walk through the halls of the Launch Learning preschool.  The beauty and abundance of the Launch Learning school environment is an accumulation of many hours, months and years of vision, planning and resources. Everywhere we look, we see goodness, generosity, hard work and commitment to a greater cause, something bigger and better beyond our expectations.  We know it is because of the many helping hands and giving hearts that we have arrived at this place, and we want to acknowledge all you have given so much thus far.

Centennial Development Group, with much appreciation to Eddie Lebron, Jovan Barzelatto, and Amy Leslie for building our dream school and plaza.

Eastern Florida State College, with special thanks to Nate Hermann and facilities crew, Lena Copeland, Catherine Harwood, Suzanne Raines, and Jack Parker.

Art-Kraft Sign Company, for the beautiful indoor and outdoor signage.

Lineage Church, for the wonderful support from Pastors Ryan and Randy Alonso and the church family with their prayers and hands on support from the Serve Day crew.

Barefoot Designs, with special thanks to Barbara Bumgardner for the wonderful T-shirts.

Cocoa Beach Chamber of Commerce, helping our business get connected,

There are many more not listed who have helped with the birth of our vision of Launch Learning.  In particular, the Lab School alumni and faculty who have rallied around to cheer us on and coach us through the transition process.  Many volunteer hours have been unselfishly given to pack, unpack, organize, clean, and beautify our new Launch Learning school.  The Lab School legacy lives on through the selfless acts of the community that it touched.

For all this, we give our heartfelt thanks and humble gratitude. 


Launch Learning Team

Launch Learning's First Meet & Greet

The Launch Learning building and grounds continue to evolve into an exciting space for learning and growing, despite the large amount of patience required by all.  The Launch Learning team had hoped to be meeting with the students and families by August 15, but the school building was not quite ready for the grand opening.  Despite the disappointment, the Launch Learning families united with patience and enthusiasm for the first Meet and Greet event of the semester. 

Friday, August 26, the Launch Learning team and families met at Riverfront Park in Cocoa Village for a warm day of business and water play!  The Launch Learning families received their registration packets with the Parent Handbook, t-shirt orders, and other relevant information for the upcoming school year.  There were fun activities for all the children, ranging from water play in the splash pad to chalk art, sensory bins and bubbles.  Families and students were able to meet teachers and new friends and share stories of their personal journeys as parents and educators.  The enthusiasm for the upcoming new school year was tangible. 

It is with much anticipation that we await permission to enter the new Launch Learning preschool building to prepare the classrooms for now familiar faces of our new students.  We hope you are all as excited as we are to see each other again soon!


With gratitude and well wishes,

The Launch Learning Team

May is Here!

There is a buzz in the air in May that is more than just happy bees. Flowers are blooming, butterflies are fluttering, and wildlife seems to be more active than ever. Even children can barely contain their excitement that summer will soon be here. Teachers do their best to help their students be prepared for the end of the school year, but it seems like no matter what teachers do, the children are ready to get outside and take a break the routine of school. No doubt the teachers are too!

Summer means big changes and lots of new beginnings for the Launch Learning school. The Launch Learning Preschool team is also ready for summer to begin, but not because we will “take a break.” It means adding valuable, experienced and educated members to our Launch team. It means the work on the school building is getting closer and closer to being completed. It means setting up the playground with trees, plants and equipment. It means moving out of our long-established Lab School site, Riverside Presbyterian church, and rehoming many of the beloved toys and tangibles to Launch Learning Preschool for the next generation to enjoy. It means we are preparing fill the school halls with little feet and happy voices in just a few months’ time!

Stayed tuned by checking in on our website 321launch.org for regular updates, as well as the Facebook site at facebook.com/LaunchLearningPreschool for the latest images on the progress of the school.

We wish you well!

The Launch Learning Preschool team

Playground Tomatoes

Our preschool (previously known as EFSC Lab School) has prepared garden beds for the children to plant, care for and nurture within the playground space over the years.  These gardens are typically small, but often prolific, with native flowers, a lone pineapple or pumpkin plant, or seasonal vegetables or herbs.  When the Cocoa Beach Riverside Presbyterian Church location closed in April 2020 due the Covid-19 restrictions, our garden and playground were neglected for many months.  I tried to maintain the playground space to weed or clean with the hope that the students would once again run and play on the grounds.  As months passed, the weeds took over our neatly mulched play yard.  One of those “weeds” was a native tomato plant that had sprouted from the original plant in the small garden.  It had been covered in sweet, dime-sized tomatoes, and now there were dozens of tomato plants scattered all over the play yard.  As I pulled up one plant after another, I decided to take a few plants home to see if I could transplant them into my backyard garden. 

At first, the 2-3 tomato plants wilted and looked sad that I had moved them from their neglected but sunny playground.  I tucked the tomato plants in fertile soil, watered the plants regularly, and even trimmed back a large tree so that the new plants received plenty of hot sun.  The plants perked up a bit, spread their leggy branches, produced about 5 delicious sweet tomatoes, and then slowly withered and disappeared into the soil as the hot, wet summer approached.  I was disappointed but decided that maybe I shouldn’t have moved them.  They had seemed so happy in the abandoned playground.  Maybe the tomatoes just didn’t like my garden, or I had overwatered, or maybe not enough sun.  I would never know, I thought… 

But then I spotted them.  Dozens of baby tomato plants sprouted up in my empty late winter garden bed.  Within a month, my garden exploded with fast-growing, long-leggy plants covered in tiny, green tomatoes.  I placed tomato cages in and around these huge plants, attempting to keep them contained, but to no avail.  They not only grew out, they grew up.  And then the delicate tomatoes began to ripen!  I discovered that despite their small size, the super sweet tomatoes were delicious and prolific.  I began to fill bowls, bags and containers with juicy, red pearls to give to neighbors, friends and even the mailman. I dug up small tomato plants to share with anyone who would take them and couldn’t stop sharing photos with my distant family of my early Spring bounty. 

A large bowl of recently harvested, still warm tomatoes sits on my counter, begging to be eaten.  I plan to give them to a new neighbor who just moved in next door from a much colder state.  What better way to welcome them to our beautiful area then with sweet, fresh tomatoes from my backyard garden?  But I know that these tomatoes are not just from me.  They are a legacy from teachers and students who prepared, planted, tended and harvested the first plant many years ago. They are from the groundskeeper who would douse the dry plants when rain was scarce and school was out.  They are from the wind and birds who spread their fruit and seeds all over the quiet playground.  And they are from my small effort to remove and replant what was left abandoned.  The Lab School playground tomatoes will be a legacy that continues to give well beyond today. 

Job Fair

Interested in working with Launch Learning Preschool? We'd love to meet you and tell you a little more about our Launch Learning Teaching team! Come by Wednesday, April 13, between 1:00 - 5:00 pm, EFSC Melbourne campus (outside pavilion)! We'll be there!

Space Coast Summer Fun and Camp Fair

Be sure to come join the fun this Saturday, April 2! Rain or shine, Launch Learning Preschool will be there so come by and say Hi!

Mark your calendar for the 5th Annual Fun4SpaceCoastKids Camp Expo on April 2, 2022 11 am to 2 pm, at Viera Regional Community Center! It's an event you won't want to miss!

Learn about all of the amazing summer camps, activities, and programs offered in Brevard County. There are so many great options that will keep your kids busy and having fun this summer!

If you are a summer camp or a business that offers summer time fun for kids you can sign up to be a vendor here:
Last year we had over 50 different camps in attendance!!

**Confirmed for 2022 So Far:
-Arts for All Studio
-Blissful Energy
-Blue Tornado
-BCSO Explorers Program
-Brevard Public Schools
-British Swim School
-Central Brevard Art Association
-CWTheaters West Melbourne
-Code Ninjas Viera
-Crafting Education Academy
-Dance Variations
-Galactic Gymnastics
-Graceful Gifts Dance Academy
-Famous Faces & Funnies
-FastFenom Basketball Training
-Harris Establishment Farms
-i9 Sports
-Launch Learning Preschool
-Learning Forward Education Center
-Lil' Sports & Fitness
-Maria Laughlin Art Camp
-Marine Resources Council
-Mathnasium Viera
-Matthew Erik Academy
-MIKA Florida Leadership Academy
-Pediatrics in Brevard
-Pineapple Cove Academy
-Satellite Beach Recreation
-Selfie Shack
-Sky Zone Space Coast
-Space Coast International School
-Space Coast Symphony/Youth Orchestra
-The Dance Zone
-The Viera Studio for the Performing Arts
-Treehouse Learning Academy
-USBorn Books
-Victory Kids Sports
-Youth in Harmony

-Ninja Obstacle Course
-Brevard County Fire Department Truck
-Brevard County Sherriff K9 Unit
-Face Painting

**Every camp will be raffling off a free summer camp slot, or something else totally awesome!!**
Each child will receive one free raffle ticket so that everyone will have a chance to win, additional raffle tickets may be purchased for $1 each, or 10 for $5, or 25 for $10!! (Proceeds benefitting Family Promise of Brevard)

If your business would like to reach hundreds of families and you are interested in sponsoring this event please email christy@fun4spacecoastkids.com

A BIG Thank You to this years Sponsors:
-Jeremiah's Italian Ice North Melbourne
-Dance Variations
-Sundance Family Dental
-Brevard Public Schools See less